Online Test

This type of multiple choice test will be used in the exam! However, the 'Online Test' does not cover all possible questions! 65% correct answers are needed to pass the test!

Question 1

Which of the following statements about the ‘Habitats Directive & Natura 2000’ is true?

The Habitats Directive aims to promote the maintenance of biodiversity, taking account of economic, social, cultural and regional requirements
The Habitats Directive is a core element in implementing the EU Biodiversity Strategy
Until 2018, the 28 EU member States protected only 1.8 % of the total territory in 200 single sites under Natura 2000
Nature reserves, national parks or other nationally or regionally protected sites are automatic Natura 2000 sites and are managed jointly under the Habitats Directive
Natura 2000 sites have been designated specifically to protect core areas for a sub-set of species or habitat types listed in the Habitats and Birds Directives
Over 10000 animal and plant species, as well as 2000 habitat types are protected in the EU

Question 2

Which of the following statements about ‘Sustainability Indicators’ is true?

On a local and regional level, sustainability indicators are well accepted and frequently applied
Sustainable indicators provide immediate and concrete benefits for coastal communities
Sustainability indicators in ICZM are mostly used on a global and national level
On a local and regional level, general acceptance of sustainability indicators is low
In ICZM sustainability indicators have been applied to assess sustainable development and progress towards ICZM implementation
Sustainability indicators can be applied to concrete case studies to assess the success of measures

Question 3

Which of the following statements related to the ‘Baltic Sea – State, Trends & Challenges’ is correct?

The assessment of fish from a biodiversity perspective indicates good status in about half of the assessed coastal areas
In 1992, HELCOM listed 162 major pollution hot spots in the Baltic Sea Region. In 2019, 19 industrial hot spots and 23 municipal or combined municipal and industrial sites still existed
97 % of the Baltic Sea area is affected by eutrophication and 12 % is assessed as being in the worst status category
Around 140 non-indigenous species have so far been recorded in the Baltic Sea
Recently, the number of improving trends outweighs the number of deteriorating trends in the monitored hazardous substances
The number of beach litter items ranges from around 50 on reference beaches to up to 300 on urban beaches, per 100 metres of beach

Question 4

Which of the following statements about ‘ICZM – Tools & Approaches’ is true? Decision support tools (DSTs)…

Are heavily used in practice to support decision making processes
Are used to support science and policy
Include tools that are applied to support participation processes
Include a wide variety of tools ranging for instance from environmental descriptors to economic and social evaluations
Include quantitative assessment tools with a low level of uncertainty
Include tools that are directly applied by authorities to decide on a management option

Question 5

Which of the following statements about ICZM in Regional Seas is true?

In the Mediterranean, the ‘Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean’, is the first supra-national (Europe, Africa and Asia), legally-binding ICZM agreement
In the Baltic Sea Region a Recommendation on the ‘Protection of the Coastal Strip’ was adopted already in 1994
In 2016, the Recommendations ‘Generating Information and Knowledge about the Coastal Zone’ were adopted for the Arctic Region
The EU initiated a systematic description of 350 coastal management case studies from all over Europe, compiled in a joint database
In 1996 VASAB (Visions and Strategies around the Baltic Sea) already adopted ‘Common Recommendations for Spatial Planning of the Coastal Zone in the Baltic Sea Region’
In 2012, the North Sea Region adopted the strategy ‘Promoting ICZM Activity within the Member States’

Question 6

Which of the following facts with respect to ‘Definitions’ is true?

Transitional waters are surface waters in the vicinity of river mouths which are partly saline, but influenced by freshwater flows
In the European Union, the offshore boundary of coastal waters is one nautical mile of the baseline
In the European Union, the coastal zone is defined as the zone between shoreline and 3 km inland from the coast
The Littoral zone extends seawards from the foreshore to some distance beyond the breaker zone
Coastal seas in Europe are the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, The Caspian Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, the North Sea, and the Baltic Sea
In the United States of America, the coastal zone is defined seawards up to the continental shelf edge