Online Test

This type of multiple choice test will be used in the exam! However, the 'Online Test' does not cover all possible questions! 65% correct answers are needed to pass the test!

Question 1

Which of the following statements belong to explicitly mentioned principles in the ‘ICZM Recommendations for Europe (2002)’?

Involving all the parties concerned in the management process
Development of a legally binding national strategy to implement the principles for integrated management of the coastal zone in every member state
Use of a joint single instrument and law designed to facilitate coherence between planning and management
Local specificity and the great diversity of European coastal zones which will make it possible to respond to their practical needs with specific solutions and flexible measures
Adaptive management during a gradual process which will facilitate adjustment as problems and knowledge develop
A long-term perspective which will take into account the precautionary principle and the needs of present and future generations

Question 2

Which of the following ‘actions and tools’ belongs to SAF-step ‘Implementation’?

Specify regulatory and financial requirements
Obtain legal permits and validate decision
Apply CATWOE (Customers-Actors-Transformations-Worldview-Owner-Environment)
Ensure pro-active public information/consultation
Evaluate the need for additional data requirements
Apply DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, State Change, Impact and Response)

Question 3

Which of the following statements related to ‘The Baltic Sea Region (BSR)’ is wrong?

The Baltic Sea was formed after the Weichselian Glaciation (about 12,000 years ago)
The Baltic Sea average depth is 55 m
The Baltic Sea surface area is about 420,000 km²
Population in the BSR catchment is about 85 Million people in 14 countries
The Baltic Sea maximum depth is 1459 m
The Baltic Sea catchment area is about 2,100,000 km²

Question 4

Which of the following statements about ‘EU Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)’ is true?

A maritime spatial plan should take into account coherence with integrated coastal management
Benefits of MSP are to reduce conflicts between sectors and create synergies between different activities
Benefits of MSP are to encourage investment
Benefit of MSP is the provision of a joint guideline that has to be implemented in each EU member state until 2023
A maritime spatial plan should take into account land-sea interactions
A maritime spatial plan should take into account the ecosystem-based approach

Question 5

Which of the following statements about ‘Maritime Spatial Planning in practice’ (MSP) is true

MSP is a continuing, iterative process that learns and adapts over time
MSP includes permissions to carry out activities in and uses of the sea
MSP integrates major ideas of Integrated Coastal Zone Management
MSP provides an integrated framework for management that provides a guide for, but does not replace, single-sector planning
MSP usually has a local (community) to regional (district, federal state) spatial scale
MSP can provide important contextual information for marine protected area management or for fisheries management

Question 6

Which of the following ‘actions and tools’ does not belong to SAF-step ‘System Design’?

List the formal actions necessary for official adoption of the plan or measure
Define administrative and virtual system boundaries
Discuss potential management scenarios with stakeholders and define success criteria and indicators
Ensure the involvement of all relevant institutions and stakeholders
Assess the system state and identify external hazards
Installation of the administrative structure to ensures horizontal and vertical integration of management